Monday, March 30, 2009
Your invitation the the NY Riesling Experience
Applewood Winery Riesling Quiz
To get everybody in the spirit of things for The NY Riesling Experience on May 2nd and 3rd here at the winery in Warwick. We have decided to test your Riesling IQ and allow you to write your own Riesling Manifesto. There will be 4 prizes and a grand prize awarded to those who demonstrate the greatest powers of Riesling, which can be difficult after a few glasses.
To claim your prize you must answer me these questions three:
Best Meal you've had with Riesling?
Best Riesling Cocktail? Come on, James Bond could come up with something...
Famous Riesling Quote?, ie; The more you Riesling the less you create. Raymond Chandler The wise are instructed by Riesling Marcus Tullius Cicero Riesling is not what decides love. Moliere
Bonus Question Most interesting place you've ever had a Riesling?
Send us an email to or leave a comment here with your name and email answering these three questions below to enter. We will give away a bottle of Riesling for the winner of each category and a grand prize of a mixed case of Applewood Wine to the best overall entry. How cool is that! The winners will be judged by Jonathan & Michele and will be announced at The NY Riesling Experience and here on our website blog.At The NY Riesling Experience we will have special bottling's of Sweet Riesling, Semi Dry, Dry as well as a vintage 2006 Riesling.
Good luck to all of you and may the best Wino win!
You must be 21 or over to enter and you must come to the winery to claim your prize.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Glorie Farm Winery Label Contest

This week Glorie Farm Winery is holding another wine label contest for the label design for their "Red Quartet" wine. The contest will run on from March 15 - March 22.
If you are an artist, or know one, please go to and search under "Glorie Red Quartet." It will explain what they are and aren't looking for. They will also give you feedback during the course of the week so you can tweek your design. The grand prize is $150 if your label is chosen.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Applewood Winery to host New York Riesling Experience

Saturday, March 07, 2009
Wreath Fineries Tickets
Wreath Fineries Tickets go on sale Monday, March 9 at 9am. To purchase tickets go to
- Tickets are limited, purchase early as this event sells out.
- You must choose a starting winery
- There are 25 tickets available at each winery for starting.
- Ticket is defined as a single or couple ticket.
- Purchases are limited to 4 tickets per order. (4 tickets in any combination of single or couple)
- Tickets are on sale until the Wednesday prior to event.
- Once ticket is purchased no changes are allowed.
- Tickets are non refundable.
- Event goes on regardless of weather.